Guardian Angel Novena

Facts about Guardian Angel Novena
Novena Starts: September 23rd
Feastday: October 2nd
Birth: 0
Death: 0
Patron saint of every person
Guardian Angel Novena Image

You can pray the full Guardian Angel Novena below.

Day 1 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

O most powerful angel, thou who art my guardian, I beseech thee, by the sovereign hatred thou hast for sin, because it offends God, Whom you love with a pure and perfect love, obtain for me a sincere and lasting sorrow for my sins, and an implacable hatred against all sin, of what kind soever, so that I may never more offend my God, till the last moment of my life.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

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Day 2 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

Most mighty spirit, my angel-guardian, I pray thee, by that supreme felicity thou dost enjoy in seeing God without a veil, even whilst watching over me, obtain for me grace to walk without ceasing in the presence of God, so that I may live as a perfect Christian till my last breath.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 3 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

Most perfect executor of the Will of God, my faithful guardian, I pray thee, by the vigilant and loving eagerness with which thou fulfillest the duty of my guardianship which God has confided to thee, obtain for me the grace of being always anxious to know and accomplish perfectly to the last moment of my life, everything that God asks of me.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 4 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

My most zealous protector and dear angel guardian, I pray, thee, by the charge which God hath given thee to guard me in all my ways, as a mother carries in her arms her beloved child, avert from me all occasions of sin, and preserve me from all perils which could make me offend God, and for that, repress the temptations of the infernal enemy and my own passions, so that having conquered the enemies of my salvation, I may walk with ease, by the grace of God, in the way of His commandments, till I die.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 5 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

Most faithful guide, my angel-guardian, I pray thee, by the mission which God has confided to thee to lead me on the road to heaven, obtain, for me grace to follow faithfully and constantly the light which thou hast shown me, of the evil which I must avoid, and of the good which I must do, and do not cease to excite me to the practice of all virtue, till the last moment of my life.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 6 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

Dearest friend, my good angel, I pray thee, by the great love thou hast for me, thou who lovest God so ardently, and who seest how much He loved me and still loves me, obtain for me the consolation of always praying and praying well in my troubles, so that I may obtain His mercy, till the last moment of my existence.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 7 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

Most powerful intercessor, my faithful guardian, I pray thee, by the zeal which God hath given thee for the eternal salvation of my soul, obtain for me the grace of having also an ardent and prudent zeal for the salvation of my neighbour, so that I may merit eternal salvation.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 8 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

O! most pure spirit, dear angel-guardian, I pray thee, by the burning love thou hast for the Immaculate Virgin-Mother of God, the Queen of Angels, to obtain for me great purity of soul and body, that at my death I may be found worthy to associate with thee in Paradise.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Day 9 Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Intro Prayer

O holy angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors.

I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies.

I pray especially that you keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice.

In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena (mention your request here…)

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of God in the mansions of everlasting happiness.


Daily Prayer

O sweetest angel, my faithful and loving guardian, how can I thank thee sufficiently for the ardent love and faithful vigilance with which thou hast ever watched, and will watch over me, till thou hast led me safely into the sweet presence of God. Ah! pray for me, that I may thank thee by my obedience to thy holy inspirations, so that loving thee daily more and more, I may merit to be with thee for all eternity.

Concluding Prayer

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, rule and guide.


👏🏼👏🏼 Great job praying today! 👏🏼👏🏼

Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.

Answered Prayers From This Novena

When I was attending university, my father usually went for work trips and his return would always be at about 12 midnight to 3 am because of the transport challenges.

We were living in a place with hardly any security lights and some dangerous areas.

So one night he alights from a taxi and has to head home with a motorcycle but unfortunately it’s so late that they weren’t operating. So he decided to walk a distance of 2km through 3 hills and valleys to reach home.

At a particularly dangerous spot, he decided to say his rosary, and four huge dogs appeared from nowhere.

They walked beside him, two on each side.

They neither barked nor did they threaten him. Quietly they moved with my dad till he reached home.

They waited until someone opened the gate for my dad, and when he was safe, they left quietly.

It was then that my dad understood that God sent him guardian angels in the form of four dogs for protection that night.

I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. It was 1982, and I’m driving down a major street to catch freeway to drive to college.

I see a stoplight and stop. Im looking in the rearview while changing radio stations and see a Cadillac bearing down high speed. I’m completely stopped.

I KNOW he’s going to hit me. It’s a split second.

He’s going to take out half my car. I’m so dead. I brace for impact, which is something I’ve read since then that you SHOULDN’T do as it tenses your muscles and bones. Boom.

apparently he was aiming to get through the yellow on the left turn lane to my LEFT…I was in the far left on a straightaway, and he wants to turn left.

So he doesn’t full on get me he gets my side, drivers side mostly.

My head hits the steering wheel, but other than being sore I had no issues.

In those days no cell phones etc., I get out and walk into a pizza hut to call my mom. The old gentleman at least stayed.

He was foreign, no insurance of course, me newly insured.

My dad felt bad for him o worked out a payment plan for him to cover my repairs. It wasn’t quite totalled but was in the shop for weeks. Brand new first rendition powder blue Ford Escort. Me and lady Di had same

I had a car about 9 years, and it was falling apart. Driving home at 1 AM on the freeway from work. Car breaks down.

I manage to pull over but it’s the 5 freeway, can’t get much more dangerous. In the dark.

At that hour people are driving drunk and TRUCKERS are at their peak. This is when they drive.

No one sees my teeny car.

I was out there with no safe place to exit my car for about half hour, seeing and feeling cars whizzing by you and your car moving with the wind cloud created each time they pass.

I know I’m dead. One of those cars is going to hit me at high speed.

I maneuver to my passenger seat so if they hit I have half a chance. Couldn’t exit, was by a drop off decline area. But by God’s grace, no one hit me and I survived.

Over 40 years ago I was driving at night on a unfamiliar country road going at legal speed of 50 when the road split into a T split.

I went off the road, bounced into a culvert, flipped the car and bounced off a tree.

I went unconscious.

When I came to, I did not have a scratch on me and was thrown several feet from the car, which was crushed like a tin can.

When people sat the car towed to town they assumed I had died. I was saved by my guardian angel. How else can it be explained? Thank the Lord, my God.

As I was walking in our neighborhood, I spied a big, black, menacing dog looking at me on the opposite street I walking as I was approaching.

I panicked and started praying to my guardian Angel.

All of a sudden a big white dog was walking beside me.

Of course that scared me more but I just kept walking. All of a sudden the white dog took off like lightning and all I could see were his huge, strong legs running towards the black dog.

The black dog ran off scared when he saw the white dog coming towards him. They just disappeared.

I do believe the white dog was my Guardian Angel sent by God to protect me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share with others.

I love my Guardian Angel, and I certainly believe he is with me.

My mother is 97 and mentally pretty good, but she’s almost completely blind.

When she was 90 she missed a step going down the basement stairs about half way down.

As she tumbled she heard a loud voice say calmly, Turn your head. I got you.

She turned her head as she hit the basement floor, which is made of cement.

She said she felt a soft landing, like if you see a person floating and landing softly on clouds. It felt delightful she said.

She had no bruising, no stiffness, nothing at all!

She knows it was her guardian angel laying her down on the basement floor.

There is no doubt in my wife’s mind and mine that our Guardian Angel was with us when we were driving back to our home in St. Charles, MO. from Dallas, Texas during the middle of a snowstorm.

As we drove north, the snow and wind became heavier and slowed traffic almost to a stand still.

As we were going through the mountains off Arkansas, we started our descent down a very icy part of the road behind an 18-wheeler when another 18-wheeler who must have been on a very tight travel schedule came flying by the truck in front of us and our car.

Between both the snow being thrown up from the truck in front of us and the truck passing us we could hardly see what was on all sides of our car.

Before either one of us realized what was happening we got stuck in the ice tracks of the road. Our car started to slip and slide as we were now passing both trucks.

Honestly I don’t have any recollection of how we got there and believe that our car was being carried past those trucks. Our next memory was when we realized we were pulling into a rest stop.

We have continued to be blessed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is good, God is Great, God is forever.

Twice I was about to be hit by a car and on both occasions, for no apparent reason, I stepped on the accelerator and the car flew behind me.

I knew that if I had continued at the same speed I was traveling, I would have been hit right in the middle of my car.

Both times I felt like a force outside myself pushing my foot down and saving me from those accidents. I just know it was my guardian angel who protected me.

I was driving home from work in the dark during a torrential rain storm. I had 25 miles to go to get home. My windshield wipers just stopped. Completely stopped!

I couldn’t see to pull over. I couldn’t see signs. I couldn’t determine if a car was in front of me, beside me or behind me. I wasn’t even sure I was in the correct lane.

I started praying. All of a sudden I could see out the windshield despite the windshield wipers not working.

It was like some one was blowing on the windshield so that the water would pool on the sides and leave the center clear. I could see!!

I drove all the way home like this. I arrived safely. Called my family to inform them of this true miracle.

I drove my car the following morning to the service station. My windshield motor required replacement.

I shall never forget this. It is like a movie in my mind. There are no doubts in my mind that this was intervention of my Guardian Angel.

I have many stories like this. In reflection, most of them were in my automobile. I hope this is helpful to the non believers.

Yes my Guardian Angel has protected me.

I am a lady of 74 years of age and I live alone in a big house.

On Saturday 03/09/2022 at 2am in the morning burglars entered my home.

My little Jack Russell woke me up by barking.

I then heard them try to open the inter-leading door from the lounge to the passage leading to the bedrooms.

I walked into the passage and switched on the light and they fled.

Nothing was stolen and they didn’t get to harm me.

I know that it was the hand of God with my Guardian Angel that protected me.

It’s unheard of for thieves to flee without stealing from and harming elderly women living on their own.

My mother went to visit her parish church, St. Frances Cabrini. It was a hot Summer day. She decided to go visit Our Lord in Church.

She knew which door was open to get in.

As she approached the side entrance she heard beautiful angelic singing coming out of the Church.

She thought the choir was practicing. She opened the door to walk in.

The Church was dark and empty. No one was in it.

She couldn’t get over it. She stayed to make a Holy Hour. When she was finished, she left. After she walked out and the door closed, she heard the singing again. She opened the door, still dark and empty.

She went to the rectory to tell the pastor, a good striving to be holy priest.

He told her that when people are not in the church to adore, the angels adore the Blessed Sacrament!

You got a blessing to be able to hear the Angels before and after you left.

A story from many years ago. I was driving my parents to the lakefront (Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans) for an outing. My Dad was a very good man but not a patient one.

I had forgotten to get gasoline for the car. On the way to the lake we ran out of gas. My Dad was not a happy camper!

I pulled to the side of the road. The only thing to do was walk two miles back and get gas but I had no gas can. What was I going to do?

Just then a red car pulled up behind me. Had no idea who it was. He got out of his car and came to the window. He said ‘Something tells me you ran out of gas.’ Can I help? I said, “I don’t have a gas can.” The guy said, “Don’t worry, I have a 3-gallon can in my trunk. I’ll drive back, get it filled, and come back.” We thought he’s probably not coming back.

Well, 15 minutes later the man came back. I opened the gas tank and I poured in the gas.

I thanked him profusely! I got in my car. Then he came to my window and said “Be careful now” and then looked at my Dad and said “Your son is a good young man, take it easy on him and and be more patient!”

I thought, “How did he know?”

Then I went to buckle my seat belt, and start the car. Just a few seconds. I looked back to wave another thank you, and there was no one there!

He didn’t pass us up. He was gone.

My Mom then said, “You just met with an angel, maybe your guardian angel.”

I’m from Ireland, and I have always prayed to my guardian Angel from I was a small child.

I was 23 at the time; I got lost at a concert.

The concert was the south of Ireland and I’m from the north so I was wandering about for hours alone when the concert was over the place was completely derelict was just me wondering where to go all alone.

A car pulled up with men it in I knew it wasn’t a good idea to get into their car so I kindly declined but felt a lot a fear of their intentions as they knew I wasn’t from the area and I was alone and lost.

I started praying to my guardian Angel when I met a teenage boy alone and lost also around 17 years old he stayed with me for hours wandering about these rural back roads.

I said we will try to find my friends and we will be ok.

Eventually I found my friends car at a car park; it was 5am by this stage. As soon as I found my friends, the boy disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.

I knew instantly that he was a guardian Angel sent to protect me. God is good.

I have a story about my son, Cyprian, and his Guardian Angel.

Our family went on a weekend camping trip just outside of our hometown.

At the camping trip we wanted to take a group photo in front of a beautiful, big maple tree. After the photo we were all standing around talking before we were going to pack up and leave.

As we were talking, Cyprian started climbing the tree. At one point my husband saw him and told him he was too high and needed to come down. He was 30 to 40 feet up in this tree.

He did what his father asked and started climbing down, but he stepped on a dead branch and it broke under his weight, and he fell. He fell all the way to the ground, hitting every branch as he went. It was a horrible site to see your son fall that far and not be able to do anything to help.

As soon as he hit the ground we all went into action.

We arrived at the hospital to our pediatrician and our pastor from our church waiting for us.

Cyprian was conscious but he had cuts, bumps and quite a bit of pain.

They rushed him into X-ray to see what was broken and a CAT scan to look at his head.

Cyprian did not have any broken bones or head injury. He was banged up but just fine!

My husband has told everyone what he saw while Cyprian was falling from the tree. He said the branches looked like hands guiding him down. The doctor told us the branches he hit saved his life!

Cyprian’s angel has protected him through a lot of accidents and health issues and we know he is still with him today at 30 years old, as he continues to climb, now they are mountains though in Colorado!

We were out of town this summer for my husband’s high school reunion.

We were driving on a very busy freeway and there was a police chase taking place.

From out of nowhere, the suspect rear-ended our car at high speed and totaled it.

I was seated in the back middle seat and lost consciousness. When I regained it, other than a few bruises and a sore back and neck we all survived.

Looking at the car I know our guardian angels were looking over all of us.

I was driving down one of our side streets at night and I fell asleep at the wheel.

I suddenly woke up to see the car ahead of me at a complete stop. There was just enough time for me to swerve to the right and only hit the right corner of the car and not a full impact hit.

No one was hurt and her car didn’t have major damage.

I believe my Guardian Angel jarred me awake saving all of us from bodily harm!

Eighteen years ago, I tried committing suicide by taking half a bottle of about 30 pills of my anti-depression medication.

I lied down on my bed. Suddenly I sat up quickly sitting as if I was going to get out of bed. I saw my reflection through my dresser mirror. The thing is, every time I ever sat up from lying down on my bed I see my bedroom door, not the dresser mirror. This lone exception I attribute to my Guardian Angel. It shocked me into contrition for what I was doing.

So I got off my bed, went to look into my medicine bottle just to make sure I truly took the pills. I did take them.

Just then my husband saw me and in a fearful voice asked me, What did you do?

I told him the truth without reserve, rather than lying and going through with my suicide attempt. I was able to get medical care and prevent the pills from harming me.

I call that my Guardian Angel protecting me from committing suicide!

It was a warm summer day in the hills of North Carolina. Our church youth group had chosen this place for a youth retreat.

One of our activities was to go horseback riding. The group departed from our assigned cabins that morning all excited to ride a horse as we were all from the city.

As we were shown the horses I got to choose a beautiful white horse. We all climbed aboard and set off on our trail ride full of enthusiasm and teenage know how!

We sang and talked as we rode along. Then suddenly one of our camp leaders’ horses bolted, so of course so did mine. We were racing through trees in the forest off the trail as fast as we could, I slid over on the side and was hanging on by the horse’s mane, sure I was going to be trampled or knocked off at a fast rate of speed, or knocked out by a tree!

I was extremely scared and cried out to our Lord.

Suddenly as I was about to let go as I could no longer hold on, a hand lifted me and held me on the side of that horse until help arrived.

As you can guess I was shaken but I was also certain my Guardian Angel lifted me to safety!

In July 2020, my daughter and I went on a trip to Colorado.

We took the old truck so we had more space. While in Colorado, I would feel the brakes sort of locking after parking the truck and would hear a light clicking noise. I had a mechanic check it out and he mentioned it might be a pebble in the brake caliper.

On the way back to Texas, the noise increased. I decided not to take the backroads but take the interstate just to be safe and visible. Shortly after getting off the back roads and on to the Interstate, the entire front right Wheel falls off the truck.

The wheel ripped off the brakes and we came to a sliding stop on the side of the highway.

It was extremely frightening to experience this loss of control especially at 65mph.

The New Mexico State Trooper was amazed that we did not flip over as the physics of the speed and height of the truck should have made us flip.

By the Grace of God, Prayers to Jesus for a safe journey and our Guardian Angels, we are alive and safe at home!

I was out walking with my earphones on, and as I was crossing the street, a car trying to make a turn on yellow light before it turned red and was not looking where he was going.

As he turned, he was going to hit me but providentially my guardian angel prompted me to look up at that exact moment.

The car zoomed right in front of me, while all the cars at the light came to me and were yelling after the driver of the car.

I assured them all that I was all right and went on my way but I am sure my guardian angel saved me.

Several years ago my oldest daughter was traveling home to visit on one of her first solo trips on the highway as she lived 2 hours away.

She stopped at a gas station/convenience store and when she got off she locked the door not realizing that she had left her keys in the vehicle. (Her vehicle was an older model.)

She called in a panic state to let me know what had happened and that she was nervous because she didn’t know what to do and there was a truck in the parking area with several men and she just didn’t feel safe.

I told her to go back inside the store and ask whether they had any way or knew of someone that could help her unlock her door.

When we hung up so I could call the sheriff’s office of the little town she was in I was walking with my phone in my hand and didn’t realize that I had accidentally called my brother and when I saw the call in progress I hung up on the call because I needed to look for the sheriff’s phone number.

My brother called me back and I explained to him that I had accidentally dialed him and let him know what had happened with my daughter.

It turns out that my brother had actually passed that little town about 10-15 minutes before and he immediately turned around and met up with my daughter and helped her unlock the car door.

She was relieved when I told her that her uncle was on his way.

Deep in my heart and soul I know that my guardian angel definitely had something to do with me accidentally calling my brother and of course I believe that her guardian angel was with her and protecting her.

I am a building mold inspector.

Several years ago I was inspecting a moldy section of an attic above a 40 foot entry/foyer in a large model home.

In the foyer below an array of tools & saws etc were laid out on the floor for finishing work.

There was one man up on an extension ladder examining the foyer ceiling under the space I was looking at in the attic.

Inside of the attic I stepped where I shouldn’t have and suddenly the whole ceiling gave way and I was falling 40 feet down to the floor below (where all the saws and tools were) when the man on the extension ladder caught me by my ankle and held me in midair long enough so I could grab part of the ladder.

Then he told me to climb on his back and then he carried me on his back down the ladder to the ground, without a scratch.

We just gawked at each other for several minutes; no one else was around or saw this.

No one should have been strong enough to catch me in mid-air with one arm and do what he did.

His name was Igor, and he spoke little English and I spoke little Spanish.

I know without a doubt that Igor was really my Guardian Angel that day, or that my Christ gave him strength of my angel at that moment.

After a late night party at my friend’s place, I was driving back home with my family.

The area was unfamiliar to me so I did not know the roads well.

At a T junction, I was turning left without realizing that it is a one way street and I am supposed to turn only right.

As soon as I turned left a car was coming against me at high speed (as the time was 2.00 A.M and the road was without any traffic).

I swerved off the road just as the other car blew past me like a rocket.

My wife, my young children and myself were miraculously saved from a head on collision.

I believe that our Guardian Angels protected us from a lethal accident.

I was waiting for a taxi by the side of the road. A trailer with a big forklift tied on the flat bed was turning.

The metal chains binding the forklift broke and the fork lift started rolling down.

I jumped and scrambled just as the forklift landed where I had been standing.

I truly believe that my guardian angel saved my life.

Many times my guardian angel has helped me.

One such instance, was in the year 2020 when a lot of riots were happening across the country I was visiting my friend in Connecticut and I was headed home to New York.

I heard a voice within me say go to the cemetery.

My parents were buried in a cemetery that was on the way home. Normally I don’t stop there thinking they are not there they are in my heart.

But on this particular day, I kept hearing this voice say go to the cemetery, so I went to visit their graves I stayed there for a while and prayed for them then continued home.

About half an hour later I heard on the news that the highway was now cleared because protesters were on the highway where I had to travel.

The traffic had been completely stopped and the protesters were jumping on people’s cars and smashing them.

If I had not stopped at the cemetery, I would have been in the middle of all the rioters.

I pray for the archangels and my guardian angel every day and offer the Mass up for them.

I have always had a great devotion to my guardian angel because my late mother opened a nursery school in Manila in 1967 named after the guardian angels.

I took over running the school after she passed away.

In the year 2009, the big flood of Typhoon Ondoy hit the Philippines and the school lost its library and so many important documents because it was submerged in flood. A few weeks after the flood, I was driving on my way to school, tired and drained after all the cleaning and recovering from this disaster.

I probably fell into some daze on the wheel and got jolted when I almost hit another car on the road, and I immediately said, Thank you guardian angel.

While one shouldn’t try to find out the name of one’s angel, I heard the name Joshua at that moment as coming from my angel.

That instant, I was stuck in bad traffic, and I faced up and saw this Taxi right in front of me with the name of the cab owner painted on its trunk (This is common in the Philippines.) It read, JOSH HUA.

I felt a joyful relief in my heart that my guardian angel was real and never ever left my side.

The elementary school our children attended had a steep hill out front. The kids all loved to speed down it on their bikes.

One day when parents were lined up in their cars picking up heir children after school, my son, who was 7 at the time, decided to dart down the hill between the waiting cars.

Just as he was between cars they moved forward. Everyone thought he would be very seriously hurt - his bike was wedged under the car and was a mangled mess - but he was standing safely on the sidewalk!!

He has no recollection of how he got there but says he was never under the car. Guardian Angels are real and deserve our prayers and love.

One day, at a relative’s house, I received a small packet of M&M’s candy with my lunch. Despite my usual appetite for sweets, I found myself not wanting the M&M’s at the moment. My mother told me to save them for my guardian angel. Later that night, at home, I took my mother at her word and asked for her help. She gave me a tiny glass to pour the candy into, and instructed me to leave the glass on the dining room table. Having done so, I joined her in prayer in the living room, which is right next to the dining room, so the table was easily in sight from the living room.

We opened in prayer by telling my guardian angel that I was offering my candy to him. As we began praying the Lord’s Prayer, both my mother and I very clearly heard someone rummage around in the glass that the candy was in. A quick glance showed no one was at the table, and my father and three sisters were asleep in their bedrooms, whose doors were closed. Excited by what we’d just heard, we resumed our prayer.

A few minutes later, we again clearly heard not only someone rummaging around in the glass where the candy was in, but my mother heard someone chewing on the candy, and I heard a giggle. At this, my mother grabbed me, ran to her and my father’s bedroom, and excitedly woke him to tell him what we’d heard. My father, who was a light sleeper back then, was in a very deep sleep and groggy when awakened. My sisters, who were also light sleepers, never stirred and didn’t hear a thing that night. After my father sleepily acknowledged my mother’s story, he fell back asleep immediately. My mother and I went back out to the living room to resume our prayers, and twice more we heard someone rummaging around the glass for candy and faintly heard the candy being chewed.

I am very much convinced it was my guardian angel that helped himself to the candy. There was no fearfulness nor uncertainty in my mother or myself as the candy was removed and eaten from the glass. The following morning, it was very clear that a good amount of the candy was gone, and no one had awakened that night after my mother and I finished our prayers and went to bed ourselves.

Prior to this event, I’d been struggling with doubt. I am a cradle Catholic, but at that time in my childhood, I was pointedly bullied at school for my faith, and I was beginning to wonder if my bullies’ words were true; that God, the angels and saints, heaven…all of it was fabricated stories and untrue. I truly think that my guardian angel was permitted to have some of my candy to show me that our Blessed Lord and his Kingdom are far more real than we humans can ever hope to perceive.

I was in line at a drug store with my aunt who had accompanied me there also in line several people behind me.

I started to feel uncomfortable and looked back to see a tall young man two places behind be looking back at me.

The feeling of discomfort continued, my guardian angel telling me something, and for some reason I felt it was somehow related to the young man. When I paid for my purchase I approached my aunt still in line and advised her that we should run to my car as soon as she was done paying.

As planned, we ran to my car to find that the young man had been waiting and ran after us. He stood defiantly in front of my car. Had we not run and locked ourselves into my car, who knows what the young man would have done.

A few years back, I was traveling an hour and half to and from school and I wasn’t a practicing Catholic at that time, I was driving back home but it was pure agony and exhaustion.

I remember not being able to even keep my eyes open for a while or not having the strength to stay awake until the next exit on the freeway. I eventually did fall asleep at the wheel when a loud but sweet and gentle voice shouted my name, I woke up and the hood of my car was under a semi-truck inches away from my front glass.

I know my guardian angel was the one who shouted my name and saved me from literally being decapitated.

To this day it still brings me chills but joy that my life was saved and here I am rejoicing with my children.

On my return trip from visiting Israel, I had a layover in Newark, New Jersey.

I was sitting right in front of the check-in desk and, being tired I fell asleep.

I was awakened by one of the cleaning gentlemen. All the lights were off, and all of the other passengers and personnel were gone.

In a very sweet low voice the gentleman asked me if I was going to a certain city, I answered yes and he said that they had changed terminals, but he added, I had 20 minutes until boarding.

He asked if I needed help, I thanked him and said no.

After picking up my things, I turned to thank him again and he had disappeared. I was alone. Not a soul was around me. I do believe that was my Guardian Angel.

My four children, all boys, had a pet snake. I had gone to the pet store to buy a feeder rat.

I usually got the small ones, but this time, much to my chagrin, they only had large.

On the way home the thing chewed through the paper bag, got out and was running around the inside my car.

I stopped at a strip shopping center, opened both doors and was running around the car like a crazy person trying to figure out what to do, when a gentleman walked up and ask what was the wrong.

After explaining to him my saga, he reached in, pick up the rat and placed it back into the paper bag.

When I turn to thank him, the gentleman was gone, there was not a soul around.

After getting home and feeding the snake, I contemplated the incident.

That gentleman had to be my Guardian Angel, for the rat had chewed a hole in the paper bag and the bag my angel put the rat in was totally intact.

Back in the early 80’s when microwaves were fairly new (and huge!) and before bagged microwave popcorn had been invented, my mom got a microwave popcorn popper.

It was a bowl with a big dome and didn’t quite fit, but we pushed it in at an angle and started it up.

I was fascinated and was watching through the glass (I guess I was easily amused).

Across the room the phone rang; remember that phones were mounted on the walls back in the olden days.

I picked up the phone, but there was no one there, and right then, the microwave exploded, shooting shards of glass clear across the kitchen.

Had I remained watching the popcorn, I would have been blinded and most likely permanently disfigured. My mother and I looked at each other and she said to me, You just got a phone call from your Guardian Angel.

Thanks be to God. How different my entire life would have been if I hadn’t taken the call.

I was in a bad state of mind, a seemingly hopeless situation regarding a family member and their animosity towards me.

Nothing I did or didn’t do pleased them.

Driving back home from dropping my child off to college, I was depressed and feeling trapped about this situation.

A thought began whispering that I could end it, just drive off the road and into something like a bridge embankment. The thought kind of shocked me, and I suddenly heard an audible voice say Enough.

Instantly, it was gone. No more oppressive thoughts, no depression, no negative whispers, just gone, vanished.

The very air cleared.

I am quite sure that I heard the voice of my guardian angel that night.

I was traveling along a highway, at about 75 mph, on my way home from work, staring into space, not really seeing what was around me, sort of in a daze.

I don’t remember what I was thinking of, just that I wasn’t paying attention.

All of a sudden, my brakes went on. Surprised, I looked at the floor. My foot was still on the accelerator, but my brake was being depressed. I watched for a second or two, confused.

I looked up, in front of my car and there was another car inches away, that I was about to hit.

It was only then that I took my foot off the accelerator and put it on the brake.

By that point, my car had slowed enough that the danger was passed.

My Guardian Angel saved my life and probably several other lives that day, since the highway was crowded from rush hour. God only knows, the damage I would have caused and the lives that would have been lost.

My Guardian Angel saved me on three other occasions that I can recall. He is no doubt, bruised and battered by his efforts to save me and I can not thank him enough!

My nephew had distanced himself from me for 5 years. I was too Catholic in his opinion.

I started praying to my Guardian Angel, and to his!, asking specifically for the angels to battle that which was oppressing him

Fear Anger Resentment Hatred Stubbornness

I would do mental prayer and pictured them going to battle against those little demons that were making his life so full of Anger and Hatred.

48 hours after I started this meditation, my nephew showed up at my door out of nowhere. Hi, Auntie he said.

It was like the previous 5 years melted away.

Is he back in The Church? Not yet.

But he is back in my life.

I always say the Guardian Angel prayer at bedtime.

I was asleep On 11-5-2020 but was woken up a little after midnight by a popping noise. Not a loud noise by any means.

I got out of bed to see what the noise was and to my horror I saw flames shooting up outside my kitchen window!

The popping noise was the glass in the window getting ready to shatter. I got 8-10 feet away from the window when it shattered.

I yelled for my husband to call 911 and also for my son and sister to wake them and get them out of the house.

All four of us and my son’s dog got out safely.

Within a matter of minutes my sister would have been overcome with smoke according to the firefighters.

I felt very strongly that my Guardian angel woke me up and saved our lives!

We had to rebuild our house, but I didn’t have to plan a funeral!

After that day I started having my grandchildren pray the Guardian Angel prayer in the morning on the way to school.

I was having panic attacks while driving my car, but I decided to brave my fear of driving to take my children to our new Church.

We had a truly lovely time, and while praying I had placed all of my fears at Jesus’s feet. I was finding it so hard to trust Him at that time, even while trying to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy daily.

We drove out of the parking lot and a minute down the road I glanced down for a millisecond to place a lid on a container. I didn’t even snap it on, I just dropped it on top.

In that millisecond, the right tire of my little Prius caught on the very high lip of the soft shoulder. No big deal, the road I drove on every day, twice a day, for about five years had the same type of shoulder and I had bumped off of it on numerous occasions.

Well, this time was different. I must have overcorrected, because the rear end of the car shot into the middle of the road and the front end skidded on the grass. As the car flipped over (three times) I remember thinking This might be it. and then taking comfort in the fact that I had just been with the Lord in adoration before my impending death.

Finally, the car came to a halt and I was waiting to lose consciousness. It never happened.

I sat still for a moment, taking stock of myself, Am I going to stay alive?

Yep. Then I heard my son crying in the back seat. I couldn’t hear my daughter. I rammed my head around. She was not in her car seat. I started frantically crying out her name, looking in the floorboard in case she was stuck under my seat.

She wasn’t there. You cannot imagine the fears that were flooding my mind in that instant.

Now I was screaming her name. I managed to get the door opened and I ran across the grass trying to find her. I heard someone call out, She’s over here!

I ran over and I will never forget seeing her sitting there in the grass, looking dazed. Nothing was adding up to reality. Nothing made sense. Why was she just sitting there in the grass? How did she get there? Why was she not in the car?

I began assessing her, looking for signs of internal bleeding, expecting the worst. I was beginning to panic. A man got my son out of the car and confirmed that he was perfectly okay, not a single scratch, and he wasn’t crying anymore.

The woman who was with me and my daughter helped me to contact emergency services and my husband. Oh, there was so much anguish when my daughter spoke to my husband.

Daddy! Daddy I love you! she screamed, over and over.

I thought Oh God, are you going to take her from us? Are these her last words to her daddy?

But she remained stable, and alternatively I became more panicked as the situation began to unfold in my mind. In the past, I had let her climb into the car to get out of the parking lot so I could strap my son into his car seat. I did it quite often because my son was a heavy baby, and if I could get him in first, my hands would be free to help the more independent child.

It had happened more than once, in my brain fog, that after putting my son in I completely forgot to buckle my daughter. I had kicked myself every single time, saying to myself What if I had had a wreck?! and then I would instruct my daughter to Please tell mommy if you don’t get buckled in!

Well, that day it happened again. That day, I flipped my car going 25 or 30 mph down a country road - possibly the least likely place to have an accident.

But I knew, right that second, that it was her guardian angel.

We have prayed the Angel of God prayer with her for almost her entire life before bed.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here Ever this day be at my side, to light to guard to rule and guide Amen.

Read the full story here!

When my son was 18 months old he suffered a seizure.

Seven days later he suffered another. I was at work as a nurse at the time and the message to me was delayed.

Frantically I left work to go to emergency room. As I was rushing down the corridor to the ER I noticed a tall, well-built man standing against the wall arms folded staring into the room that would be my son’s.

He was dressed as a biker in black leather with tattoos. I went in and my little son was strapped to a board and had a C-collar on.

He was frantic. Finally after some time and multiple X-rays and other treatments they allowed me to hold him and his father arrived.

All this time this man stood watch at the door. I knew my mom had arrived with my other 2 children so I placed my son in his father’s arms to go talk with my family.

As I walked out I looked up and this man reached for my arm he is going to be okay, he said gently. I felt all my fear and anxiety leave me.

I looked at him, thanked him quizzically. When I turned back in less then an instant the corridor was empty.

I know he was my guardian angel sent to watch my son.

My son had no effects from either seizure.

Last week on Sunday I was coming from church and had to use public transportation.

I knew that the public transport often had thieves lurking about, and sure enough there were several there when I sat down.

But my guardian angel protected me, and though they cursed at me, I wasn’t tampered with and none were able to steal from me.

My guardian Angel has absolutely protected me. I was driving from Naples to Miami, Florida.

The crossing from the west coast to east coast of Florida is a long stretch, tedious and boring.

I was listening to music, podcasts, anything to stay awake, yet I fell asleep behind the wheel.

I suddenly felt a gigantic jolt from within, as if someone had pushed me really hard to wake me up.

I instantly woke up.

I had no idea if I was asleep for 5 seconds or 1 minute. It could not have been too long because my car never swerved. I knew in that instant, it was my guardian Angel.

In the winter of 2005/2006 we have some severe storms in the north of England.

I was staying at a boutique hotel in Yorkshire.

The previous night I had been disturbed several times by strange rumbling noises.

In the morning I was getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Then I went into the bedroom to continue getting things together.

Although I had just been in the bathroom, I suddenly felt as if something told me to return there.

So I went back into the bathroom, and immediately heard an enormous bang, I believed it to be an explosion. Everything turned black and alarms began to sound.

After what seemed an age, a loved one was screaming my name and pulled me from the the smoke filled wreckage of the room.

After a while they returned to the room to try and ascertain what had happened. The Georgian chimney breast and roof of the townhouse had collapsed directly into the bedroom, onto where I had been only moments earlier.

Had something not told me to return to the bathroom, I would have been killed instantly.

My Guardian angel I am sure saved me that day.

I was involed in a car accident, causing massive damage to my vehcile.

I walked away without a scratch, and I know that I was protected by my guardian angel.

At the beginning of the year I caught pneumonia and was admitted into the hospital with a very high fever and low oxygen.

I didn’t get a room immediately so I was being looked after in the emergency room area.

Second day I was delirious and then as I was in and out of consciousness. A doctor walked in and asked how I was doing and then put my hand is his and said you need to fight.

I knew then it was my guardian Angel coming to give me comfort. I asked my nurses if I could see that doctor again and was told there was no doctor fitting the description I had given them.

As I started to get better I remembered that he wore no protective gear (no gloves, no mask nothing and let me remind you I was highly contagious).

I truly believe my guardian was there to protect me.

In my mid- to late- 20s I found myself in about an abusive relationship.

I was terrified when I went to bed the night after I broke up with him and called my engagement off to him.

Was he going to come over to the house? Would he try to break in? Would he try to harm me because he was upset?

I said a series of prayers to my guardian angel and to St. Michael. The fear and worry that was consuming me melted away, and I felt a wave of love and protection wash over my body and I felt so safe.

I have no doubt that God (and the saints and angels) are real and listen to our prayers.

One story that is so fresh in my memory that I recall often, because I always think about them and wonder what their life is like today. My Guardian Angel sent a couple to me.

I was 20 or 21 years of age living in upstate New York (with no family; I am from California) and was trying to figure out how to remove myself from my abusive husband.

I was working as a bank teller at the time. This particular day was not too busy and I sat at my station trying to figure out what I was going to do.

This older couple came in, a man and woman, and out of all the open teller stations, they walked up to mine.

The normal chit-chat started, and I processed their transaction. They both turned away from me to leave and paused, turned back around and asked me, Do you know anyone who needs an apartment? We have a small one ready and we are looking for a tenant.

They were looking at me and without hesitation, I said, Yes, I know someone. Well, that someone was me.

It was empty and ready for me to move in. Ironically, it was about four houses down the street from my current apartment at the time.

I left when my abusive husband was out of town working, so he never knew how close I actually was.

How come they didn’t go to any other teller station? How come, this couple, just happened to have a place available for rent?

How come, I had never seen them in the bank before or after that?

I firmly believe that they were acting for my Guardian Angel. Someone had been watching over me my entire young life while I was living so far away from my family and found myself in a horrible situation.

I will always think of that moment. What would have been if they hadn’t come into my life that day?

Anyway, I know there must be even more horrific stories with great joyful outcomes because of our Guardian Angels. They get so little credit. We have a lot to be thankful for, grateful for, and a lot to pray for!

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