The Annunciation Novena is prayed in honor of the Archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would be the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord. St Gabriel greeted Our Lady with the salutation: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Read the full Annunciation novena on the novena page. You can also learn more about novenas here.
What Is the Annunciation Novena?
The Annunciation celebrates the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
The Word was made flesh in the womb of our Blessed Mother, because she said “yes” to God.
We learn about the Annunciation in St Luke’s gospel, beginning in Luke 1:26. St Gabriel’s greeting forms the basis for the first part of the Hail Mary.
The Greek meaning of “Hail, full of grace” goes well beyond Mary simply being “favored” by God but denotes a past and present perfection of grace within her, recognizing her Immaculate Conception.
The Annunciation feastday is normally March 25th, nine months prior to Christmas Day!