Mary, Help of Christians is one of the most ancient titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St John Chrysostom invoked her under this title in 345 AD; it was also used at the stunning victory at Lepanto in 1571 against the Muslim invaders, and by St John Bosco for his Salesian religious Congregation.
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Who is Mary Help of the Christians?
Mary, Help of Christians is one of the most ancient titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St John Chrysostom invoked her under this title in 345 AD; it was also used at the stunning victory at Lepanto in 1571 against the Muslim invaders, and by St John Bosco for his Salesian religious Congregation. Pray this novena for Our Lady’s help in battling against sin and evil.
St John Chrysostom used the title of Mary, Help of Christians in a homily he gave in 345 AD.
Pope Pius V prayed to Our Lady under this title before the great Catholic victory in the sea battle at Lepanto in 1571 AD against the invading Ottoman Muslims.
Pope Pius VII instituted the the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians in 1814 in celebration of being freed from years of captivity by Napoleon. The venerable pope demonstrated that God and the Catholic Faith were stronger than Napoleon and all his armies.
St John Bosco became devoted to Our Lady under this title of Mary, Help of Christians and built a basilica in her honor in 1868.
He also founded a female religious community called The Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians. The Salesian relgious Congregation has promulgated this devotion ever since.