About Our Lady Star of the Sea Image

Our Lady, Star of the Sea is a title given to the Virgin Mary originating in a translation by St. Jerome. Under this title, our Lady is invoked for protection, guidance, and hope.

Read the full Our Lady Star of the Sea novena on the novena page. You can also learn more about novenas here.

What does Our Lady Star of the Sea mean?

This title arose by God’s Providence in a unique way. St. Jerome translated Mary’s Hebrew name Miryam (drop of the sea) to Stilla Maris in Latin.

For Catholic peasants, Stilla was read as Stella (star), and so Mary became Star of the Sea.

Just as a star serves as a guiding light to sailors navigating through the darkness of the sea, Mary is our guide and protector as we navigate the turbulent waters of life.

In times of peril or uncertainty, sailors traditionally turned to the stars for guidance and safety. Similarly, we Catholics look to Mary for protection and refuge, providing comfort and solace in times of trouble.

In the darkness of the sea, a star represents hope and salvation. Likewise, Mary is symbol of hope for us in this dark world, offering reassurance and encouragement in the face of adversity.
