St. Corona was martyred with St. Victor, who was either her brother-in-law or her husband, in 170 AD. She is a patron saint against pandemics.
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Who Was St Corona
St. Corona lived in the second century, was martyred with St. Victor in 170 AD, and is one of the patron saints of plagues and epidemics.
St. Corona and St. Victor, a soldier who may have been her brother-in-law or her husband, were martyred at the order of a Roman judge.
The reports say that St. Corona, at her death, “saw two crowns falling from Heaven, one for Victor, the other for herself.”
The marytrology states that the Roman soldiers gouged out St. Victor’s eyes, but as they did so, St. Corona exhorted him to remain steadfast and not apostatize.
St. Victor remained faithful and was executed. The Romans then tied St. Corona to two stretched palm trees, cut them loose, and she was killed by the forces.
Note: While St. Corona traditionally has not been invoked against pandemics, popular piety originating in northern Italy has started praying for her intercession against the coronavirus.
This is often the way that devotions grow in the Church, in an organic way, through the faith of the people.