St Joseph Cupertino Novena - Prayer for Tests and Exams
Novena Starts: | September 9th |
Feastday: | September 18th |
Birth: | 1603 |
Death: | 1663 |

You can pray the full St Joseph Cupertino Novena - Prayer for Tests and Exams below.
Day 1 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, you were an unwanted child and were thought worthless even by your own mother. Intercede for all unwanted children that they may come to know they were born out of God’s love for them. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 2 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, you were an angry, frustrated child. We pray for all who struggle to express themselves, and that you help us overcome sins of anger. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 3 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, you experienced no love in your family and were considered of little account by all who knew you. We pray for all who have experienced the same. May we learn to treat everyone as having the worth they have in God’s eyes. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 4 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, you suffered because you found it difficult to learn. We pray for all those who struggle at school. May they take comfort from the fact that although learning wasn’t easy for you, this didn’t stop you from becoming a saint. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 5 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, you did the best with the intelligence you did have and put the rest in God’s hands. That way you passed all your exams and became a priest. We pray for all those struggling with exams. May we also do our best in everything and trust in God to guide our lives. We pray especially for (mention your request.
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 6 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, even the thought or mention of anything holy made you levitate in ecstasy. Grant us something of the understanding and reverence for God and his saints that you had. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
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Day 7 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, only when your superior ordered you to, were you able to come back down to earth. May we too have a love for and obedience to the teachings of the Church. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.
Day 8 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, you were unjustly suspected, confined to your room and neglected by those charged with looking after you. You accepted all this with humility. We pray for all those unjustly imprisoned, and that we too may have the humility to accept injustice for the love of Christ. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.
Day 9 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Intro Prayer
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favor in the examinations for which I am now preparing, and in all the trials I face in life.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Pray for us.
Daily Prayer
Dear St Joseph, because you could levitate you are the patron of travellers, especially air travellers. We pray for all those travelling that they may safely reach their destinations. We pray especially for (mention your request).
Concluding Prayer
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Click here to get a special offer for reminders about upcoming novenas and a free copy of my Novena E-Book.
Answered Prayers From This Novena
Thank you, St Joseph Cupertino! ❤️ I successfully passed the physician licensure exam!! Thank you for this answered prayer. To God be the Glory!
from K.M.
I wish to thank God through st. Joseph of Cupertino, 2 Doctors who had previously failed their consultancy examinations several times… passed after I did the Novena to St. Joseph of cupertino with them, 3 nurses too passed their International exams through his intercession. Thanks you St. Joseph of cupertino..
from E.C.
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino, my daughter passed her exams and I pray you will always intercede for her in all her exams and trials.
from A.U.
To the glory of God Almighty, my family did the novena to St. Joseph of Cupertino for my daughter’s 3rd MBBS. The result is out and it was a success. We give God all the praise.
from C.N.
Thanks to the intercession of St Joseph of Cupertino and all the saints by the grace of God I got the grades I needed in my A level exams and got into university
from P.S.P.
We are very thankful that we have known St Joseph Cupertino when we are looking for a prayer to be recited before my daughter’s scheduled Board Exams last Aug 23 and 24, 2024.
Through St Joseph Cupertino’s intercession, my daughter was able to pass her Registered Electrical Enginering Licensure Examination.
We just wanted to share this with everyone because we believe that our prayers are very powerful and nothing is impossible with God.
Thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing !
from I.A.
I prayed the novena before writing my final exams.
I felt calm before the exams and I passed my exams. I know that The Lord answered the request i made in the novena and I want to thank God.
from R.M.
All praise and thanks to St Joseph Cupertino for answering the prayers of my son and I, for his success in his year one, exams.
It was indeed a troublesome year for him. He never settled into his programme and there was always an unwillingness to continue.
By the great Intercession of St Joseph of Cupertino, who we called upon during his exams, he obtained success in all his examinations.
Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino. All praise and glory to you. We will always honour you and make you known by others.
from M.K.
I am very grateful to St Joeseph Cupertino as his blessings and support were incredible help to getting me a place at University.
from A.S.
I prayed this novena when I was about to take my ACCA final paper.
I passed my examination and became and Affiliate now. Thank You so much St. Joseph of Cupertino.
from N.A.
My daughter passed a very important healthcare national exam after this novena. Praise be to St. Joseph of Cupertino, Mary, and the Lord Almighty for this success.
Their intercession guided her through the exam. May the Lord bless her future tests and her healthcare practice.
Many Thanks!
from M.W.
I’m confident and truly believe that God will bless my grandson to pass his UCAT test on July 11, 2024 with a very high grade/score that will qualify him to enroll in college and take his desired medical course.
And so from this time on, I thank God for answering my prayer through the intercession of St.Joseph of Cupertino.
from C.J.
I had done very poorly in one subject which was difficult for everyone in my final year uni and was very sure that I wouldn’t pass.
I prayed to God and did this novena in hopes of passing. When the results had come I PASSED in every subject.
I’m really grateful and cannot stop thanking God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and of course St Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass.
from T.G.
Apology for the delayed report, but after passing my civil service examination last August 7, 2023 using this novena along with my efforts on studying.
I am very grateful because it greatly help me to be more confident with my answers in every questions of the exam. I know that the Lord guided me from the day I got my online slot, personal filing, my everyday studying, until the exam day.
I pray that all of the exam takers will pass in the name of Our Lord. Amen.
Thank you very much. And God bless.
from J.M.
I learnt about St. Joseph of Cupertino last year while browsing for saint of exams. I prayed to God through him and I passed.
This year, I had an exam, which was more competitive and scored.
During the last days of my revisions, I had strong urge to revise certain areas more than others and I was surprised while writing the exams.The results are out and I had more than I requested.
May all glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino.
from C.A.
Special thanks to St Joseph Cupertino for answered prayers as my son passed his Step 3 medical exam. You are always there for him.
from R.B.
My prayers have not been answered after I did the novena twice and prayed to St. Joseph of Cupertino to pass my exam.
I’m devastated. I did believe I could get help from the prayers. So disappointed on this prayer.
from M.J.
Response from Devin Rose: Dear M.J., sometimes the answer to our prayers is “No.” That is very hard to accept but God wills all things for our good.
I passed my exam!
I prayed a lot before, during, and after the exam. I also prayed to lots of saints and went to different churches. Studying so hard is emotionally draining.
After doing what I can, I know the right thing to do is to offer everything to God. Good efforts and lots of prayers really do payoff.
Thank you so much, St. Joseph Cupertino
from M.T.
St. Joseph of Cupertino guided my daughter through her APRN exam.
WE are so thankful and I spread his name and give him Glory.
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino!!!!
from K.M.
The nine days leading up to my standardized test day I prayed this novena. I sat there at the Prometric testing center very anxious and stressed about the exam, as standardized tests are not my strong suit.
Clicking through each question only made me more nervous. Finally, reaching the end and receiving my score I ended up achieved a very competitive grade!
Of course, this achievement would not have been possible without the intersession of St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino and thank you Lord for Your guidance!
from N.K.
My daughter passed her first semester exam. Her scores were wonderful.
I made the novena til the end of first semester exam.
My daughter also did the Novena. It worked. It is miraculous.
We are now using it as our devotion and I have being sharing the Novena to people preparing for any exam.
Thank you very much, Saint Joseph of Cupertino!
from O.S.
I prayed this novena when I was about to take my Prometric Exam.
Just now, I received an email that I have passed my examination. Thank You so much St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Thank You so much for giving me knowledge and wisdom. Thank You Lord Jesus for everything that you do.
This prayer really works. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
from S.J.
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino!
I prayed this Novena for my son to ask for intercession that he pass his flight board and he did!
I’ll continue to pray the Novena for Officer School and finally Flight School. My son has similar issues that St Joseph had and it shows that Nothing is impossible with God!
from I.P.
My daughter who is a first year medicine and surgery student took her mid test assessment which was computer based.
I did countless of novena to Saint Joeseph of Cupertino.
Miraculously, she has a very good grade through the intercession of Saint Joeseph of Cupertino.
Her first semester is coming up on on March and I am on Novena to Saint Joeseph of Cupertino for success.
from O.M.
Thank you St Joseph for helping to find my son a job.
from D.M.
I am a medical student who am not always the best at taking standardized exams. I had studied for months prior to my first big board exam, but I was nervous as there have been students who had not passed this exam before.
I prayed to St. Joseph of Cupertino regularly through my classes, and I knew I needed his intercession for me to pass this exam.
I prayed this novena every day leading up to my exam and passed! Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino and Jesus for helping me progress in my training toward becoming a Catholic physician!
from J.D.
I prayed this novena to St. Joseph of Cupertino for 9 days before my exam.
And I am so thankful and grateful to you oh St. Joseph of Cupertino for interceding on my exam. I entered the center with a cool and calm heart. I passed. I aced it!
Thank you, thank you and of course to our dear Lord Jesus Christ for all His guidance.
from A.J.
I prayed this 9 day novena for my son to pass an exam that he has been preparing for a year to take. It is an aviation course. He had low self confidence, but he passed and he and I are very thankful to GOD and St. Joseph of Cupertino for his intercession.
from L.H.
I prayed this novena for nine days and nine hours.
I passed the exam which I’ve prayed for. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino. You didn’t disappoint me.
from J.T.
I’m really grateful to St Joseph of Cupertino throughout my 100-level semester exams.
I failed one course and felt really sad till I browsed about a saint for exam taking, saw the St Joseph Cupertino novena, prayed for nine days, and to my greatest surprise, I have no carryover again.
I’m thankful to God and st Joseph.
from I.D.
I sent the St Cupertino novena prayer to my son for his repeat exam. If he didn’t pass the test, he’d be put out of the University.
He said the prayer, and St Cupertino obtained the grace from Jesus who answered him.
He will say the novena prayer so he can graduate. Powerful prayer! Believe, ask, and he will not fail you.
from J.M.
I had prayed to St Joseph of Cupertino to intercede for my son who is studying in Bcom 3rd year to pass his supplementary two subjects which he wrote last month.
Today his results came, and he passed in those two subjects.
Thank You St Joseph of Cupertino for interceding for my son to pass the exams. Thank You Jesus. Thank you Mama Mary.
from J.J.
O Great Saint Joseph of Cupertino, thank you for your powerful intercession.
After making first class in my university with some young students who I teach as they prepared for a quiz competition, we prayed to you and we came first position!
from R.M.B.
I thank St Joseph of Cupertino for interceding for my son’s exam.
He passed in all subjects in his 6th semester Bcom Honours exam. On the 5th day of the novena exam results came. Thank you Jesus. Praise you Jesus. Thank You Mama Mary.
from J.J.
I learned about Saint Joseph of Cupertino from a friend and since Year One of my schooling, he has been interceding for me.
I have been passing my exams without issues.
I want to thank God and Saint Joseph of Cupertino for his intercession.
from C.U.
I took a school of nursing entrance exam, and I failed.
I was disappointed until my elder brother introduced me to St Joseph of Cupertino, and I started praying for his intercession.
I later took the exam again, and I failed it again, but I didn’t give up.
I purchased another form and sat for the exam again while reading my books and also doing the novena to St Joseph of Cupertino.
After the exam the results came out and I passed and was admitted!
I believe that God really answers prayers through His saints.
from S.C.
I had started praying this Novena because i was not doing well in two of my courses, and we had a test on Monday.
I passed with good grades for the first exame and am confident in God that I will come out wth good grades in the other, thanks to St Joseph of Cupertino’s intercession!
from G.C.
Before we sat for exams, I was sick but was praying the novena to St Joseph Cupertino.
All my papers and work seemed to be difficult for me.
The instructor told our class that our results will be delayed, so we had to go one-by-one to see our results at his office.
I entered his office, and he laughed at me because I looked scared. I gave him my name and my registration number.
Within five minutes he told me, Congratulations! I received top marks on my exam, all thanks to God through St Joseph Cupertino.
from J.A.
I prayed this Novena nine days before my exam. I entered the testing center calm, cool, and collected.
Noticeably more calm than the other two exams I had taken already. Then when I sat for my exam, I felt like some of the questions were trick questions because they were just TOO easy.
After the exam, I thought perhaps that St Joseph of Cupertino actually interceded for me. Turns out, he did and that they weren’t trick questions at all and I received my highest score yet on the exam, such that I was labeled The Beast by all candidates taking these exams (CPA exams)!
So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to St Joseph of Cupertino and God for helping me pass this exam. I am SO THANKFUL and GRATEFUL.
Thank you St Joseph Cupertino for making me pass my clinical exam.
Please pray for me so that I may study well and pass my future exams as well.
Praise the Lord.
My daughter, who is a very poor test-taker, took her exam to be a licensed Social Worker and passed on the first try! We are sure St Joseph Cupertino intervened.
Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for answered prayers.
My daughter was taking a test for a college in a high school class which would impact if she graduated with a 4.0 or not, she had to get an A on the exam to maintain her grade point average which would determine rank in class, scholarship money and other accolades.
Upon praying to St. Joseph of Cupertino she earned an A on the exam and exceeded the score she needed in a course that she had been struggling in all semester.
I prayed to St. Joseph of Cupertino for nine days for my daughter’s Physician Licensure Examination, and she was able to pass it!
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for the answered prayer.
I took a big exam for confinement attendant, but twice I failed it.
I learned about St Joseph of Cupertino and prayed to him through this novena.
When I faced the exam for the third and final time, I had no confidence that I could pass it on my own.
But with St. Joseph’s intercession and companionionship, I finally passed the exam!
We thank you for the answered prayers of my son’s successful board examination. He was able to pass this difficult exam.
As promised I want to continue spreading the testimonies on the power of prayer through St Joseph Of Cupertino.
I prayed so hard to St. Joseph Cupertino for my granddaughter to pass her exam so that she could go to nursing school.
She failed her first try and was so upset. She was discouraged that she could ever pass it.
But she just took the nursing exam again today and PASSED!
She is so happy, and I hope and pray that St Joseph Cupertino will continue to help her in her studies and she will do well in her career.
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More About St Joseph Cupertino
Read more about the patron saint of Aviators, Flying, Studying, and those suffering mental handicaps. on the St Joseph Cupertino Saint Page.