Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary springs from the Church’s reflection on her life, especially in relation to her Son, Jesus Christ, and it grew during the Middle Ages into modern times.
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What does the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mean?
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary springs from the Church’s reflection on her life, especially in relation to her Son, Jesus Christ.
St. Luke speaks multiple times of Mary pondering the words and actions of Jesus in her heart.
Simeon prophesied that a sword would pierce her heart, and at the foot of the Cross it did.
We gaze with awe upon Mary’s joys and sorrows, her unmatched virtues, her love of God and love of us.
We entrust ourselves to her Immaculate Heart. She is our Mother, par excellence.
Historically, St Anselm of Canterbury and St Bernard of Clairvaux began the devotion to Mary’s Heart the Middle Ages.
This devotion was further developed by Sts Mechtilde, Gertrude the Great, and Bridget of Sweden.
St Bernardine of Siena in the 1400s became known as the “Doctor of the Heart of Mary” for his devotion to her.
In the 1600s, St John Eudes increased public devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and informal celebrations were held, although Rome declined to approve a broader feast at that time.
St Catherine Laboure’s Miraculous Medal in 1830 paved the way for widespread adoption of devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.