St Homobonus was a a twelfth century Italian business owner from Cremona. He practiced honest business practices as a tailor and gave generously to the poor.
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What did St Homobonus do?
St Homobonus was born Omobono Tucenghi in the 1100s.
He was married and a layman, and he inherited his father’s business to become a tailor and merchant.
Saint Homobonus was always honest in his business dealings, and when he made profit, he would take what he and his family needed, but then give to the poor and needy in his town.
St Homobonus attended Holy Mass as frequently as he could, even receiving the Eucharist daily or multiple times per week.
St Homobonus died on November 13th, 1197.
Pope Innocent III canonized St Homobonus just over a year later, due to popular demand by the faithful of Cremona, who testified to his heroic virtue.
The Pope called him father of the poor, consoler of the afflicted, assiduous in constant prayer, man of peace and peacemaker, a man good in name and deed, and that this saint, is still like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in our time.