St Margaret of Scotland was and English princess and Scottish queen who lived in the eleventh century. She is known for her great virtue and love for the poor.
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What is Saint Margaret of Scotland Known For?
Margaret was born in Hungary to Princess Agatha and English Prince Edward the Exile in 1045.
When she was ten years old, she and her family were able to return to England, since her father was a potential claimant to the English throne.
But her father Edward died shortly after their arrival. Nonetheless, Margaret remained in England.
When William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Margaret and her family fled to Northumbria (now north England, south-east Scotland), but then her mother wished to return to the European continent.
While sailing from Scotland, a storm rose up and wrecked their ship on the northern shores, a Providential event, since Malcolm Canmore III, the Scottish King, brought them into his court and gave them shelter.
Malcolm admired Margaret’s many virtues and they were married in 1070.
Malcolm and Margaret conceived eight children, leading to St Margaret of Scotland becoming patroness of large families.
Margaret’s devotion and piety strengthened that of her husband, and she inspired him to care for the needy and hungry in their kingdom. The King even consulted Margaret in many matters of state as well.
St Margaret also exhorted the leaders in the Church to reform abuses of the time, which they did.
St Margaret is known for her care for the poor and hungry, as well as her reforms in the Church.
Margaret lived an exemplary life and was a model of Christian Faith to all who knew her.
King Malcolm and their eldest son were tragically killed in the Battle of Alnwick.
Margaret, weary from a life well lived with sacrifices and penances, passed away only four days later, on November 16th, 1093.
St Margaret of Scotland was canonized in 1250 by Pope Innocent IV.
She is the patron saint of Scotland, mothers, large families, learning, and the poor.