St. Paul of the Cross was an Italian mystic, preacher, and founder of the Passionists religious Congregation. God showed him in prayer that the Passionists should focus on the love of Christ in His Passion.
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What Is St Paul of the Cross Known For?
St Paul of the Cross was born Giovanni Battista Danei on January 3rd, 1694, in Ovada, Italy to a devout family.
His early years were marked by a deep sense of piety and a strong desire for a life of prayer and devotion. At the age of 14, he had a profound spiritual experience during which he felt called by God to a life of holiness and service.
In response to God’s direct calling, St. Paul of the Cross founded the Congregation of the Passionists in 1720 to spread devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, emphasizing meditation on Christ’s suffering and death as a means of achieving spiritual renewal and salvation.
St. Paul of the Cross dedicated himself to preaching missions throughout Italy, focusing on the themes of repentance, conversion, and the love of God revealed through the Passion of Christ. He and his followers traveled extensively, often enduring hardships and opposition, to spread their message of faith and devotion.
He died on October 18th, 1775.
St. Paul of the Cross left behind a rich legacy of spiritual writings, including letters, sermons, and reflections on prayer and the spiritual life. His writings emphasize the importance of humility, obedience, and trust in God’s providence, as well as the centrality of Christ’s Passion in the Christian life.
St Paul of the Cross was beatified on October 1st, 1852. St Paul of the Cross was canonized on June 29th, 1867 by Pope Pius IX.