Saints Anne and Joachim are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They were of the line of Judah and House of David.
Read the full Sts Joachim and Anne novena on the novena page. You can also learn more about novenas here.
Who Were Saints Joachim and Anne?
We have ancient traditions and some apocryphal sources for the stories of their life, but nothing from public revelation.
We can say with certainty that Sts Joachim and Anne were holy and devout, following God faithfully.
They longed for a child but were not blessed with one.
Praying without ceasing and beseeching God for His mercy upon them, God sent His angel to give them the good news that they would conceive a child.
The Virgin Mary was thus conceived many years into Sts Joachim’s and Anne’s marriage, and she was conceived without the stain of Original Sin (the Immaculate Conception).
Tradition holds that Sts Joachim and Anne diligently and faithfully instructed their holy daughter in the truth of God and entrusted her to Him completely.